Tuesday, September 1, 2015


I See Blessings Everywhere
It is the only way I can survive. Life is hard. In the best of times life is hard. But you have to find ways to enjoy it. I like to look for blessings.

It's been about 6 weeks since Squeaker has had her infusion. She is having a hard time sleeping, and is achy all the time. Even with pain relievers and sleeping medication Squeaker has a hard time falling asleep, staying asleep, and wake early in the morning. The blessing in all this? It didn't start until my shift at work moved from 7am to 9am. 2 hours may not seem like a lot but when you are up until 2am those extra hours are very helpful.

Trey was slowly running out of his medications because our insurance hasn't kicked in yet. Sadly just a few days without his medication and the vertigo and headaches were coming back and fast. We just decided to talk to the pharmacy and see what cash prices we could get. Our blessing? That day a new discount card came out and we were able to get both medications, 90 days supply for about $60. Not as cheap as a copay but do able. Very do able.

Sunday night I was on the brink of tears. Just worried, tired, and stressed about how I was going to keep being a working mom. All I wanted to do was stay home and take care of my little one. I feared I wouldn't be able to do the job. Then to come home and take care of everything I needed too. I was worried sick. What blessing did I find you may ask? I realized as much as this may suck I had a job. A job that was close to home, with decent entry level pay, and allowed me to be home during the evenings so that Trey can go to school.

Without the silver linings life is dull, irritating and a pain. I have found that if I can find a few happy things, or blessing everyday then I can make it through. Because life is hard. I can't state that enough. But it is also amazing and worth getting up for everyday.

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