
Friday, April 8, 2016


(in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.

Over time people has restated this as "what goes around comes around". How ever you want to think of it or call it, it's real. This past week I have felt like a little good cosmic karma has come my way.

About three years ago I made an awesome Minecraft Theme BINGO game. You can find it here.  It is a very nice set with 20 cards, a master card, and covers. As of today it has been re-pinned 2500 times, viewed on the blog 37,673 times, used in no less than 6 different countries, and with 203 comments made. Most of the comments state how much they enjoy a free finished printable. We all know that can be hard to find. Well this week I found a free printable I needed.

I found Star Wars printables for movie night. On a wonderful little site called Sandy Toes and Popsicle.

Okay let me back up just a second. The reason I wanted Star Wars stuff was for our movie night. With Squeaker's issues it can be really hard to take her to a movie theater. Lots of people close by makes a momma nervous. Also because she is so small she has a hard time sitting in the seat comfortable. Meaning she won't sit well for long, and often can be disruptive to others around her. Combine that with the fact the Star Wars came out in the middle of winter and everyone was sharing germs, well Squeaker didn't get to see Star Wars in the theater. The rest of us took turns and did, she felt pretty left out. We started watching the other movies at home and then she pleaded for us to take her see the new one. It just wasn't happening.

Well here it is a few months later and the video is out. I got it in my head a few weeks ago we should do a viewing party for Rayne. Make it a big deal with snacks, and special stuff. So she can feel the excitement we did. I was trying to find Star Wars themed snack ideas and that's when I found the printables.

This lady is a genius! Instead of making whole new snack she just renamed them. Then she made the labels to share with everyone. That's my karma. I sent awesome into the world and it came back to me when I needed.

The only changes I made was the chip cans. In the original pattern you have to cut the cans down to size. Well the short stack Pringles cans are just about the right size. Not the super small ones, the ones that from a distance look like full size, but when you get close you realize they are smaller. Those ones are perfect, no resizing needed. I also bought a giant bag of Gummy bears and put them in sandwich bags instead of buying the pre-sized bags from the store. The other major change I made was I used Ginger-ale in bottles not the traditional cans. The labels didn't fit as well but they worked.

I hope everyone enjoys these as much as I do. Please leave her thank you notes too. These things are hard work and pats on the back are greatly appreciated by their creators.

May The Force Be With You!!!